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/ May 29, 2019

My experience with CBD oil

I think for about as far back as I can remember, I’ve had anxiety. I don’t know that I ever really knew what it was, or what to call it, but I can remember being a young woman and having this strong sense of being “overwhelmed”.

I always wanted things to be “perfect”, and I’d push myself so hard. My chest would often get tight, my heart would race, and my palms would get all sweaty. Whether it was trying to prepare for a test, plan a dinner party, or even now as I mother four kids in a world that glorifies perfectionism.

Over the years my anxiety has grown, especially after becoming a mother (as I know so many of you ladies can relate to). The lack of “control” that was brought on with having one, two, three and now four children can feel….for the lack of a better word overwhelming. My mind can race with no end in sight. Worry, planning, organizing.

My mind wants to create order and lists and little piles of neatly folded pants and socks (why are there always so many socks?!). But my heart knows better. It knows that those things will never be “done”. Motherhood is a job that’s never completed. The piles of pants and socks aren’t going anywhere, and neither is my anxiety.

It’s taken me a while to understand that my anxiety isn’t something I need to control, fix or get rid of, but rather something I need to embrace.  To work with, not against.

That same energy that can make my palms sweat and my heart race is also the same energy that fuels my creativity and passions.  It’s the same energy that pushes me to take risks and to step outside of my comfort zone. 

The key is finding a way to channel that energy in a healthy and productive way. To find tools that will help my mind relax, while still keeping my passion and energy very much alive.

What I’ve found that works for me.

There are so many things that help me with my anxiety.  Yoga (first and foremost), meditation, the beach, great conversations with friends.  It’s a mix I’m always playing with.  But each one helps in a different way.  More recently though, I’ve added something new into my routine that I’m so excited to share with all of you.  CBD oil. 

I can already imagine what many of you are thinking.  CBD oil?  I don’t even know what you’re talking about.  And to be honest neither did I, until recently.

So let’s start at the beginning. 

What is CBD oil? 

In the most simplified of terms, CBD oil is an oil that contains concentrations of cannabinoids (CBD) from an industrial hemp plant.  The concentrations of CBD can vary between oils.  CBD oils are safe, legal and can NOT get you high. Most importantly though CBD oils have been proven to be powerful health agents, helping alleviate everything from anxiety, to sleep issues, to inflammation (the root cause of ALL disease).   

The CBD oil I chose and why

Recently I was introduced to a line of CBD oil, Equilibria, from a friend.  Equilibria is an all-female run Chicago business (how cool is that?) that prides itself on delivering the highest quality CBD oil that’s specifically tailored for every woman’s unique needs.

If you’ve been following along with Grace in the Crumbs for a while, you know how particular I am with what I put in my body.  If I was going to experiment with adding something new into my system, I wanted it to be the best.  A brand I could trust and that I could feel good about. 

There are a few things that set Equilibira apart for me.  First is their high-quality oil production.  All of their oils are 100% traceable from their proprietary seed, hand harvested and produced at the highest quality level available in the US.  But what is even more impressive for me is their unique dosing concierge.  As someone new to the CBD oil world, I wasn’t sure where to begin, how much to take, or how often.  Their unique dosing specialist helped me walk through all of those decisions.  AND what’s even more impressive is how they continued to check back in with me to see how I was doing and how my body was reacting to the oil.  Their mission truly is to help women feel balanced and at their best.  

How I use it

I first started using Equilibria by taking their lowest dose gel cap (10mg)  each evening.  I immediately noticed a difference (which I’ll share more about in a minute).  But after about a month, I noticed I needed a little more so I added a gel cap each evening and each morning.  I also use their liquid drops if I’m having an overly stressful day and need a little extra support.  The key for me, and for everyone using CBD oil, is to find a daily and consistent routine.  It’s sort of like working out or eating healthy – it’s not a “quick fix”, but rather should be a bigger part of your health and wellness routine.  

My experience with CBD oil

I can truly and honestly say that I love how CBD oil has helped me feel.  One of the first things I noticed right away was how much better I slept.  And as a momma of four kids, I’m sure you can imagine how I cherish sleep.  To wake up feeling rested and truly refreshed is a game changer for me.

But the biggest difference, the real reason I will continue to take CBD oil is that it helps me feel balanced.  I don’t feel like it’s “cured” my anxiety or taken away all of my mood swings. I’m sure that will never be the case, nor do I want it to be.  But it has for sure helped loosen their grip.  I still feel like “me”, just a little more balanced.

I first started taking Equilibria’s CBD oil right around the time of our move.  I can remember feeling really stressed and overwhelmed.  As soon as I introduced the oil into my routine, I began to feel a little more in control of my emotions.  I was still energetic, and excited and moving in a million directions at once (like always ;)), but that “overwhelming” feeling just wasn’t so intense. 

I can honestly say that I was able to “enjoy” the process of our move, which I wasn’t expecting.  I’m not sure if that’s all due to the CBD oil, but I have to believe it helped.  My anxiety and stress were no longer crippling me but rather channeled into healthy energy.   And I can’t tell you how much joy that has brought me. 

So how does this help you? 

I can’t tell you if CBD oil is right for you.  That’s a decision only you can make.  But if you’re interested in learning more, I’d start with a conversation with your doctor.  Here’s a helpful link on how to get that conversation started.  You can also read some of the most frequently asked questions.  I found many of them helpful as I was making my own decision.  

So much of our health and wellness journey is a process of continuing to learn and understand what our body needs.  For me, learning about CBD oil and how it affects my own body chemistry has been such a powerful tool.  

If you’re interested in getting started with your own CBD journey, the amazing women over at Equilibria are offering all of you 20% off your first order.   You can click here to get started on personalizing your own set, or enter the coupon code “graceinthecrumbs” at check-out.  

If you have any questions I can help answer, feel free to reach out to me.  I’m in no way an expert on CBD oil, but I’m happy to share more about my own personal experience.  Or feel free to reach out directly to the smart women at Equilibria directly ([email protected]) They will happily answer any and all of your questions (as they did for me ;)).

I hope that by sharing my experience with CBD oil it’s helped you think a little more deeply about your own health and wellness routine.  We ALL deserve to feel well.  We ALL deserve to feel balanced, healthy and our personal balance.  And the best part is, it’s possible.  Sometimes it just takes a little trial and error.  Wishing you all patience and grace as you find what works best for you.    

These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose, treat or cure any disease. Always check with your physician before starting a new food supplement program

You can read more about other parts of my health and wellness journey here.  



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